Saturday, 26 April 2008

Leadership in action (First Session)

The leadership in action series for the Easter term was kicked off by Lord Dennis Stevenson (Chairman of HBOS and Governer of Bank of Scotland) . We had three key speakers for this session.

1. Helen Alexander - CEO of the Economist Group
2. Sir. James Crosby - ex-CEO of HBOS (until 2006)
3. Rick Haythornthwaite - Chairman of the Risk and Regulation Advisory Council

It was a two hour open session and a great source of information about life in business, risk taking and leadership.

There is a plan to write a book based on these session. Hence, I will not cover the details of these sessions at great length. Watch this space for more details about the book to be published in the future.

Friday, 18 April 2008

The Olympic Torch

I had never discussed political issues on my blog earlier. However, the recent events with the Olympic Torch has made me break this traditional convention.

The Olympic Torch run was one of the most controversial peace time events in recent history. It was marred by protests and high security.

There are people who think that sports and politics should be viewed separately (the true sports person). There are people who prefer not to interfere in the policies of other countries (the idealists). There are many who don't give a damn about any thing that happens in the world as long as it does not affect them (the self-proclaimed passive organisms). Then there are people who believe that we are all in one world, irrespective of nationality, color, religion or ethnicity (the illusionists).

China is a great country. It has a long history and has contributed enormously to the development of mankind. It is making great progress in opening up its economy and promoting reforms to improve the lives of 1.2 billion + people of the great nation. China deserves to host the Olympic games and every one should whole heartedly participate to make these games a big success.

However, on a personal note that is not linked to the Olympics; China has a lot of ground to catch up in terms of its human-rights records in Tibet. Coming from India, I had interacted with a few Tibetan refugees and know the pain they go-through. The Tibetan refugees have a hard life both economically and politically. They yearn for more autonomy and freedom to practice their religion freely. Their ultimate dream is to go back home (Tibet) and live in peace. The Chinese government should hold talks with the Dalai Lama and reach a peaceful settlement to the Tibetan problems. A peaceful solution to the Tibetan problem will be the sign of true Chinese leadership rather than 'iron-fisted' rule over Tibet.

One should not mix these two events (the Olympics and Tibet). The world should awaken to the repression in Tibet and force China to hold talks with the Dalai Lama and find a peaceful solution to the Tibetan issue. The world should also respect the fact that China as an independent country has the right to conduct the Olympic games, just as any other free country in the world.

I hope the Olympic games turns out to be a master piece showcasing Chinese success. I also hope that the Tibetan problem gets resolved peacefully. (As always I ask for a lot more than what most people ask for:) , as I want both the Chinese and Tibetan sides to succeed ).

Completion of the GCP

This week was a bit hectic. We had to complete the presentation and the report for the Global Consulting Project (GCP). It was a great learning experience for me. I had never before worked so closely with a small company (<1000 people). The small company we worked for (Martifer Solar S.A) was very cool and people were extremely passionate about their work.

People working in a small company feel that they are making a difference and aim to do their best. It is a challenge for larger companies to maintain a small company work-culture. Small team/company culture is much more productive, due to ease of communication and lack of bureaucracy.

In the last month working on the GCP project, we got an opportunity to practice most of the theoretical stuff we learnt in the previous term. I learnt more about the renewable energy business and the way Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) function.

Looking forward to Monday the 21st when the next-term starts. The third-term has a lot of electives and it will be fun.

Friday, 4 April 2008

The Portugal trip

I had a wonderful trip to Portugal, as part of the Global Consulting Project (GCP). Developing a market entry strategy for one of the fastest growing companies in Portugal was indeed a wonderful experience. The Portuguese work environment is so full of energy and life. Portuguese hospitality (especially in smaller towns) is just great.

The 5 of us consulting on the project spent the weekend in Lisbon. We even got a chance to enjoy renounced Portuguese Fado over dinner.

A few pictures from the Portugal trip.

A YouTube link about Lisbon and Fado ----