Monday, 26 May 2008

Oxbridge 2008

On the 24th (Saturday), we hosted the Oxbridge 2008 sporting event. The Oxbridge event is an annual ritual where-in the Cambridge and Oxford MBA students take on each other in varied sporting activities.

The day went on very well and we had a great time. The weather was just great and everybody had a ton of fun.

The creativity workshop

We had the creativity workshop on the 22nd and the 23rd conducted in association with Satchi & Satchi. It was a cool learning experience. The interesting parts of the workshop was that after each theoretical concept was explained, we had to do an individual and/or group hands-on creativity exercises.

We did a project that brought all this creativity learning together. We had to develop creative ideas to solve a real life problem faced by a large UK electrical retailer. We also had the Britten Sinfonia conduct a short musical session about leadership, harmony and team-play using music. It was a lot of fun.

A special thanks goes to Allegre Hadida our Stategy guru for orchestrating this entire event.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

The hectic last term

It's been an amazing term so far. The fun involves learning new things and managing schedules. Next Saturday (24th) we will be hosting the Cambridge-Oxford annual sports event. I'm looking forward to meeting some of my friends from Oxford.

Next week we also have the much talked about "Creativity Workshop". This workshop is conducted in association with Satchi & Satchi. I'm looking forward to see as to what it is all about. There were mixed reviews from last year's students about the workshop.

By the by, since my last post, we have had two more Leadership In Action seminars hosted by Lord Dennis Stevenson. It's been an amazing set of people who come and talk during these sessions. I have really enjoyed this series and look forward to last session the 30th of April.