Friday 18 April 2008

Completion of the GCP

This week was a bit hectic. We had to complete the presentation and the report for the Global Consulting Project (GCP). It was a great learning experience for me. I had never before worked so closely with a small company (<1000 people). The small company we worked for (Martifer Solar S.A) was very cool and people were extremely passionate about their work.

People working in a small company feel that they are making a difference and aim to do their best. It is a challenge for larger companies to maintain a small company work-culture. Small team/company culture is much more productive, due to ease of communication and lack of bureaucracy.

In the last month working on the GCP project, we got an opportunity to practice most of the theoretical stuff we learnt in the previous term. I learnt more about the renewable energy business and the way Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) function.

Looking forward to Monday the 21st when the next-term starts. The third-term has a lot of electives and it will be fun.

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